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    • 戏如人生TV版国语第23集
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    4.0 已完结





    Kaewsai just graduated from Faculty of Communications and started working at a broadcast station owned by Mutthana, who is her father's lover. Her parents got divorced when she was a child and she was raised by her grandparents. Mutthana had only one son, Siwa, who is arrogant and hates Kaewsai's father because he thinks that he stole his mother's love. Siwa came back to Thailand after studying abroad for many years and meets Kaewsai in a party. He's impressed with her strong and smart personality, but starts to hate her after he found out who her dad is.  Kaewsai has to prove herselft to everyone who thinks she only got work at the station because of her connections, while facing many mean and selfish people. Other executives at the station have a grudge against Siwa's mother so he also has to prove himself when he's cast as the main actor in a lakorn directed by Kaewsai. He starts to fall in love with her unexpectedly, and she also falls for him after they get close.


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    • 4.0 第6集 深夜俱乐部之唯爱吾卿 娜姆拉荣·塔尼娅瑞丝,Ning,Panita,Tumwattana,帕拉米·缇斯达龙
    • 6.0 更新至03集 隐藏月光 本杰明·布拉西尔,仸里克·投驰·胤希拉特
    • 5.0 更新第20集 最佳遗产 吴岱融,陈楚寰,曾晓晴,翟思铭,陈泰铭,何盈莹,杨志龙,陈丽贞,徐鸣杰,潘玲玲,黄世南,陈慧慧,麦芷琪,金银姬,骆籽嘉,崔圣欣,陈建彬,陈传之,黄怡灵,朱秀凤,包尚泽,詹金泉,林昀憓,洪御凯,曾玟玮,纪丽晶,林汐,谢静仪,沈志豪,管雪梅,许立楷,黎格欣,张为,熊杰豪
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    • 6.0 第2集 不可饶恕的罪恶 刘子绚,洪凌,邓伟德,郭坤耀,胡煜诗,陈汉玮,黄炯耀,朱泽亮,包勋评,黄超群,向云,崇喆,陈美心,郑六月,方展发,潘玲玲,张奕恺,朱厚任,翟思铭,林昭婷,郭亮,林咏谊,张汶祥,陈泂江,苏智诚,陈政序,廖永谊,薛素珊,赖怡伶,叶世品,黄嫊芳,林明伦,王玉清,张思丽,卢楷浚,胡菱恩,管雪梅,蔡佩珊,赖宏恩,徐绮,翁璇
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    • 9.0 更新至2集 我的邪恶老板 卡德·普洛伊苏帕,玛希·廷拉萨克·考阿佑德迪
    • 9.0 全9集 我亲爱的失败者之17岁的边缘 格拉帕·格潘,娜米妲·吉勒娜拉帕,余宗翰,瓦奇拉维·让维瓦,吴梦凡,塔纳·罗坤宋巴,娜帕诵·薇拉尤蒂莱
    • 2.0 全20集 逐爱天涯 苏格拉瓦·卡那诺,皮查雅·瓦塔那蒙迪里
    • 3.0 第18集 正妻(国语版) 翁莎功·波拉玛塔功,波昂科·德昂马莱,琵姆普莱帕·唐普莱坡恩,佳妮达·芬帕丹吉,查薇拉可·万塔娜皮希固,帕苏特·邦亚,丝丽娜·素甘达拉,纳瑞拉·库尔蒙科尔佩特


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